6000 9000

You're saving the environment, one seed at a time. Every house of RASDA product is served in impeccable bio-degradable packaging. Together, we can create sustainable practices to create a Greener Earth.

Cinnamon Cassia, also known as Dal Chini, is a type of cinnamon that is derived from the dried inner bark of the cinnamon cassia tree, an evergreen tree native to China and Southeast Asia. This specific variety of cinnamon cassia has a stronger and more pungent flavor compared to the more commonly known Ceylon cinnamon.

Despite its potent taste, cinnamon cassia is still a highly sought after spice in the culinary world for its warm and sweet aroma. Cinnamon cassia is commonly used in both sweet and savory dishes, as well as in various beverages and baked goods. Rasda is a reputable supplier of high-quality spices, including cinnamon cassia, offering a one-stop solution for all your spice needs. 

Cinnamon Cassia / Dal Chini
6000 9000

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